Tuesday 25 February 2014

Fantasy fantasy on the wall

Sometimes we think we've gotten reasonably far. Or that we did pretty well.
But, when we look around, when we see the truth and not our own fairytale-like fantasy, we realise. And we break.
The truth, it hurts.

(Please bear in mind that I wrote this under 5 minutes in math class.)

When all we thought was true,
our little fantasy
in a realm of truth.
The glass wall
that held everything up
shatters, broken by itself.
Nothing holds it it up anymore,
nothing left behind,
except a heart perhaps,
torn at its core.



Saturday 22 February 2014

Picnic-ing under clear blue skies

Examinations ended just yesterday and after not going to church for almost 2 months(!!), I thought it would be great to be back again. Disclaimer: I did not purposely refuse to go, school kept putting stuff during my weekends.
This week, however, wasn't our normal service and stuff but instead, we had a combined picnic event with the youths from The House of Prayer church. As my church and THOP will be having future combined events together, the sojourners and the THOP youths came together to fellowship and got to know each other better. Our picnic location was the ulu-ulu (i have no idea how to spell this weird singlish word) but not completely deserted Sengkang park. 

And of course I brought camy along.

Thank God for the beautiful weather, and it definitely felt good to talk to everyone and stuff.
