Friday 22 August 2014

goodbye, so long, this is farewell.

I have no idea and no energy to find a way to redirect this to my new site.

and I hope you'll continue to enjoy my random musings and awkward poetry and etc.


Friday 8 August 2014


A gnawing feeling
chewing your lips constantly--
the symptoms of guilt.


okay so I've been found "guilty" for eating too much today, procrastinating, and well, not studying for examinations. i'm panicking yet at the same time, don't give a care in the world about them. 


Thursday 7 August 2014

to wait upon

To wait upon great things
is to wait for eternity-
unyielding, a sigh 
in the vast expanse
of time in this universe.



Monday 30 June 2014


The loveliest thing about rain is the soft pitter-patter, splashing outside your window. It could be raining torrents, but the sound has been muffled by the glass. That indescribable warm, fuzzy feeling you get from hiding under the sheets, coupled with a cup of tea and a good book.
But, I don't like the rain just because of snug sensation, in fact, it's the thrill of rain-- the thrill not in rain itself, but the moment just before the heavens pour. The wind howling, leaves rustling, and then, the first drop of rain. I wait as the sound of raindrops increases, the immense satisfaction as the rain escalates to a downpour. 
Amid a chorus, the climax, a chant, you hear your sigh lose itself in the song of the rain. And as each drop rings as it drips to the ground, the song of the rain sings you to sleep, a lullaby tugging at your heartstrings.
Why do you like the rain so much?
Don't you hear the song of the rain? Oh, it is so beautiful.

Saturday 28 June 2014

Cure and Medication

We have all fallen ill before. 
I myself have been under the weather so many times I can self-medicate. Sometimes, I ask, what is medication? If I fall ill again, is medication nothing but a temporary relief? And then of course, does a cure mean that, after medical treatment, the patient no longer has that particular condition anymore? Perhaps, and hopefully.
"Feeling better after the medication?" he asks.
"Your love is enough to cure," she replies.


Monday 14 April 2014

a little book and a tote bag.

Typography and prints are pretty much the essence of my life. I recently started using a new sketchbook and am very hyped to share what I have been up to so far.

all items from Muji except fabric markers
watercolour prints + some typography 

quick typo sketch

I also experimented with my fabric markers (I used them on paper bc I couldn't find brush pens at stationery shops) on a classic tote bag. 
Muji plain tote in size B5


Tuesday 25 February 2014

Fantasy fantasy on the wall

Sometimes we think we've gotten reasonably far. Or that we did pretty well.
But, when we look around, when we see the truth and not our own fairytale-like fantasy, we realise. And we break.
The truth, it hurts.

(Please bear in mind that I wrote this under 5 minutes in math class.)

When all we thought was true,
our little fantasy
in a realm of truth.
The glass wall
that held everything up
shatters, broken by itself.
Nothing holds it it up anymore,
nothing left behind,
except a heart perhaps,
torn at its core.



Saturday 22 February 2014

Picnic-ing under clear blue skies

Examinations ended just yesterday and after not going to church for almost 2 months(!!), I thought it would be great to be back again. Disclaimer: I did not purposely refuse to go, school kept putting stuff during my weekends.
This week, however, wasn't our normal service and stuff but instead, we had a combined picnic event with the youths from The House of Prayer church. As my church and THOP will be having future combined events together, the sojourners and the THOP youths came together to fellowship and got to know each other better. Our picnic location was the ulu-ulu (i have no idea how to spell this weird singlish word) but not completely deserted Sengkang park. 

And of course I brought camy along.

Thank God for the beautiful weather, and it definitely felt good to talk to everyone and stuff.


Tuesday 14 January 2014

Mid-week muses

Tomorrow's Wednesday and let's see... I just got pass Monday and Tuesday and I've got three days to go.

I went through the day's events and remembered about the Chinese composition test I took today. The question was to write about an experience that made you understand the saying

吃得苦中苦, 方为人上人

when translated, it means: to work hard, and then enjoy the rewards reaped, and also become respected for working hard

So that got me thinking.
What if one works hard, but doesn't get his desired results?
Will everyone still see the hard work put in, and even if they have seen it, choose to ignore it?
If everyone were to work hard in front of the people who are to assess their abilities, will the poeple assessing their candidates see through it?
And, what is defined to be working hard too?
What do we work hard for and why? Because our parents ask us to? Because of the pressure and expectations and competition in society?

Certainly, there are a lot of ways to succeed, but if you have the passion, commitment and a conscience, then working hard(to me) is basically gritting one's teeth through the bitterness.

No pains, no gains.

PS/ if you managed to read ALL of this, you are awesome.
