Tuesday 14 January 2014

Mid-week muses

Tomorrow's Wednesday and let's see... I just got pass Monday and Tuesday and I've got three days to go.

I went through the day's events and remembered about the Chinese composition test I took today. The question was to write about an experience that made you understand the saying

吃得苦中苦, 方为人上人

when translated, it means: to work hard, and then enjoy the rewards reaped, and also become respected for working hard

So that got me thinking.
What if one works hard, but doesn't get his desired results?
Will everyone still see the hard work put in, and even if they have seen it, choose to ignore it?
If everyone were to work hard in front of the people who are to assess their abilities, will the poeple assessing their candidates see through it?
And, what is defined to be working hard too?
What do we work hard for and why? Because our parents ask us to? Because of the pressure and expectations and competition in society?

Certainly, there are a lot of ways to succeed, but if you have the passion, commitment and a conscience, then working hard(to me) is basically gritting one's teeth through the bitterness.

No pains, no gains.

PS/ if you managed to read ALL of this, you are awesome.
